Janette Burke
Online Media Personality, TV Show/Podcast Host, Correspondent, MC/Speaker, & On-Camera Consultant

Do You:
Want to showcase your story, cause, business, product, or service?
Wish to make media interviews an integral part of your marketing?

Benefits & Outcomes of this Package:
Connect with my audience, so they get to know you, your brand, and your story, shaping their perception of you and increasing your recognition.
Differentiate yourself and your brand from competitors. Your unique insights or perspectives can position you as distinctive.
Inform my audience where to learn more and engage with your product or services, website, or social media.
Gain experience in how filming & conducting a media interview works.
Receive tangible proof on film that you are a credible, newsworthy interviewee for your next media interview.
Develop personally and professionally by honing your communication skills & building confidence while appearing on-camera.
What JTV YouTube LIVE Shorts is:
Lifestyle-based, every Wednesday, the series profiles book authors, small/medium-size business owners and professionals who have written amazing books with relevant topics, started unique businesses, or overcome difficult challenges.
What Janette’s TV & Podcast Supplemental is:
Every Friday, Janette’s TV & Podcast Supplemental features a variety of unaired Janette’s TV & Janette’s TV Podcast episodes with mainly male interviewees from different genres including actors, politicians and more whose subjects differ from the main themes and interviews typically covered on Janette’s TV & Janette’s TV Podcast’s primary YouTube Channel and its intended target audience of women, 35-60 years young.