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The pandemic has been tough on us all, especially with adjusting from working in a workspace to your own setup at home. Most workplaces have all the equipment you need to complete your work efficiently. Now people are working from home and some of us are more ill prepared than others. This Media Training will train you to use the stuff you have at home to set up your own home studio so you can make amazing videos and prepare yourself to go LIVE.


We all tend to ramble when talking especially when people get nervous or overly confident about certain subjects, like the ones that we are experts in. With a teleprompter you can use it to keep you on the right track, and to help you read and say things naturally. If you’re wondering what a teleprompter is, it’s a device used to project a speaker’s script onto a screen when filming promo and other type of videos where the speaker appears alone on camera. This allows the speaker to keep the eye contact to the camera while speaking to it. And this makes your video more personal. It keeps your eyes on the viewer while you maintain the script instead of looking elsewhere like a piece of paper or another screen. Teleprompters are great when used correctly. In fact, in my new Janette’s Media Training Academy and 12-Week Media Training Course now open for registration in my FALL cohort (get on the Waiting List while you still can!), I devote an entire Lesson to mentoring and training my scholars how to use a teleprompter when recording any promo, sales, training, case study, or personal video for their website, blog, or social media posts so they stay on point without rambling, read naturally, and come off authentically without needing to memorize what they’re saying.

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In this video, Janette talks about why she does what she does and all the things she does as a Media Personality, Mentor & Trainer to help her clients Get SEEN, Get KNOWN and Get BUSINESS. Are you ready to Get SEEN, Get KNOWN & Get BUSINESS? Only 14 % of people believe what they read about on social media. 83% of people believe in what they see and read about in the media. Why aren’t you in the media or making media/speaking part of your marketing plan? Register for her FREE upcoming Masterclass to learn the 3 Keys you must have in place to become a sought-after media guest or world class speaker.

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