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If you’re looking to pitch your story to the media, it’s likely because you have a particular story in mind that you want to tell on a mainstream platform. Unfortunately, pitching to the media is never as cut and dry as copying and pasting a singular pitch idea before sending it to every news or media outlet you can think of because media pitches require real nuance and precision. In today’s Media Training, I’m going to cover my 3 most important tips for tailoring your story to the media outlet you’re pitching.


What you say on camera must be memorable. You can’t let your presence be forgetful and fall in the pile of thousands of interviews done before you. One sure-fire way to stand out is by talking in soundbites. What are soundbites? They are things you say during an interview or speech that is quotable. They are how you show your stance and expertise in little segments of around 9 seconds that fit your key marketing messages and the theme of the segment. This is your moment to shine. Say things that will help you standout within a crowd instead of keeping you within your creative box. In today’s media training video, Janette talks about the importance of soundbites for any media interview and how to talk in soundbites.


There’s nothing wrong with improv, but in my opinion, it’s always better to be prepared – especially when you have a confirmed media or speaking appearance or will be making a video to share all over social media. I believe you should never go on-camera or stage unprepared. If you do, you risk your credibility, reputation, and brand. You may not realize it, but most online personalities don’t just pick up a camera and start shooting or go on stage and be themselves. They have PR teams backing them up - preparing them for any best or worst-case scenario. If you want to be on that level watch today’s media training video that I made just for YOU and apply my tips!

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