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Media Ready with Janette, May 26th: Why You Need Media Training - Body Language & Voice Techniques

Janette Burke

Media Ready with Janette, May 26th:

Why You Need Media Training - Body Language & Voice Techniques

Welcome to Media Ready with Janette Video Training & Blog Series, where I show you why media and sponsorship matter, how to reach new audiences and get more exposure for your brand, business, and products, and what you need to have in place to be a desirable sponsor or media guest that gets booked over & over. I also dispel myths about the media you may believe, answer questions you may have about the media & how it works and share my best Presentation & Performance On-Camera Training tips to help you look, sound, and feel your best every time you go on-camera for a media or podcast interview or to make your own videos and LIVES on social media or YouTube.

Today's Topic: Why You Need Media Training - Body Language & Voice Techniques

If you want to make media a part of your marketing, whether through interviewing or sponsorship, you’ll have realized by now that to succeed, you’ll need on-camera training.

Why do you need On-Camera Training? For starters, the importance of body language and voice techniques.

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